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"O"ne of the most attractive personalities of the guitar world, Ricardo Iznaola has pursued a brilliant, multi-faceted musical career for over forty years. An American citizen, he was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1949, and trained in Caracas under maestros Manuel Pérez Díaz and Alirio Díaz, and in Madrid under the eminent master Regino Sainz de la Maza, while pursuing studies in Theory and Composition at Madrid's Royal Conservatory. Critics, colleagues and audiences in four continents have acclaimed his path-breaking work as concert and recording artist, composer, teacher, lecturer, and writer. Mr. Iznaola has won top prizes in ten international competitions, including the Munich International Performance Competition, the Francisco Tárrega Competition, the Alirio Díaz Competition, the Stroud International Composer's Competition, the NATS Art Song Composition Competition and the Realize Music Challenge Orchestral Composition Competition, among others. Explore more details of Mr. Iznaola's rich career by clicking on the bulleted menu items below.  Maestro Iznaola is a Guitar Foundation of America Hall of Fame inductee (2016) and winner of the Artistic Achievement Award, for his "monumental contributions to the development of the art and life of the classical guitar."

"A truly visionary virtuoso who accomplishes gigantic feats where most mortals see only impossibilities and aesthetic objections. Here is one Icarus whose wings do not melt at altitude."
Classical Guitar Magazine

The Concert Artist
The Recording Artist
The Composer
The Author
The Teacher

Copyright © 2016 Iznaola Guitar Works, LLC

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